Species: silesiacus (KUNISCH, 1885) ZITTEL, 1888
= Mastodonsaurus silesiacus KUNISCH, 1885
Etymology: In reference to Silesian Province, southwestern
= Parotosaurus silesiacus (KUNISCH, 1885) ROMER, 1947
Locality: Sacrau near Gogolin, Upper Silesia, Silesian Province, southwestern Poland.
Horizon: Chorozow horizon which was equated to the Lower Muschelkalk.
Age: Anisian Stage, Lower Mid Triassic Epoch, Middle Triassic.
Material: Anterior part of a right dentary.
Referred material:
ZPUW? Impression of a part of the left orbital region of a skull roof.
Locality: Lagiewnik near Konigshutte, Upper Silesia, Silesian Province, southwestern Poland.
Horizon: Chorozow beds which was equated to the Muscheklalk.
Age: Anisian Stage, Lower Mid Triassic Epoch, Middle Triassic.
Number: Not given: Mandible fragment.